how to add git to SublimeText3?

How to add git to sublime text3?
 This video show you to set up git to sublime text3.

How to install a package using Package Control
After installing Package Control, you can install a package with a simple process:
1. Type control+shift+p top open the Command Palette.
2. Start typing "install" or "git". As you type, the Command Palette filters down commands to those containing the characters you type.

3. Select the command "Package Control: Install" and press enter.
4. After a moment, the Command Palette will be filled with package names.
5. Start typing the name of the package you want to install, or a keyword such as "markdown" to list all packages with the keyword in their names.

6. Select the package you want (with the arrow keys), press enter, and the package will be downloaded and installed.
7.Close and restart Sublime Text for the newly installed package to be activated.
how to add git to SublimeText3? how to add git to SublimeText3? Reviewed by soksopheak on 9:01 PM Rating: 5

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