How to install window server 2012 R2?

hi all today i show you how to install window server 2008 R2

Foundation Topics
Windows Server 2012 R2 Hardware Requirements
As with previous Windows versions, your hardware must meet certain requirements for Windows Server 2012 R2 to function properly. First of all, Windows Server 2012 R2 requires a 64-bit processor; Microsoft has discontinued 32-bit software with this release of Windows Server. Table 2-2 outlines the minimum and recommended hardware requirements for Windows Server 2012 R2 as provided by Microsoft:

Table 2-2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Hardware Requirements
Minimum Requirement
Microsoft Recommended
1.4 GHz
2 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
2 GB RAM or greater
Available Disk Space
32 GB
40 GB or greater
Optical Drive
DVD-ROM drive
DVD-ROM drive
Super VGA (800x600) monitor
XGA (1024x768) monitor
In addition, you must have the usual I/O peripherals, including a keyboard and mouse or compatible pointing device and a wired or wireless network interface card (NIC). If you can connect to a network location on which you have copied the contents of the Windows Server 2012 R2 DVD-ROM, you are not required to have a DVD-ROM drive on your computer. As with any other operating system installation, you will receive improved performance if you have a faster processor and additional memory on your system.
Further, when you install Windows Server 2012 R2 on an Itanium-based computer, you must have an Intel Itanium 2 processor and additional hard disk space. Computers with more than 16 GB RAM require additional disk space for paging, hibernation, and dump files. With disk space at an all-time minimum cost, it is easy to acquire a high-capacity hard disk. You will certainly need plenty of disk space on a server that will be a domain controller in a large domain.
Microsoft recommends that you also perform the following actions before installing Windows Server 2012 R2:
·         Disconnect uninterruptible power supply (UPS) devices: If you are using a UPS, disconnect its serial or USB cable before installing Windows Server 2012 R2. However, note that you do not need to disconnect other USB devices such as external hard drives, printers, and so on.
·         Back up data: Perform a complete backup of configuration information for your servers, especially network infrastructure servers such as DHCP servers. The backup should include the boot and system partitions as well as the system state data.
·         Disable antivirus software: Antivirus software can interfere with operating system installation.
·         Run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool: This tool tests your computer’s RAM. For more information, refer to “Utility Spotlight: Windows Memory Diagnostic” at
·         Provide mass storage drivers if needed: Save the driver file to appropriate media so that you can provide it during setup.
·         Note that Windows Firewall is on by default: Server applications that require inbound connections will fail until you create inbound firewall rules that allow these connections. For more information, refer to “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Overview” at
·         Prepare your Active Directory environment for Windows Server 2012 R2: Before adding a Windows Server 2012 R2 domain controller or updating an existing domain controller to Windows Server 2012 R2, prepare the domain and forest by running Adprep.exe. We discuss this tool in Chapter 13, “Installing Domain Controllers.”
Installing Windows Server 2012 R2
As already introduced in Chapter 1, “Introducing Windows Server 2012 R2,” you can install Windows Server 2012 R2 as either Server with a GUI, which presents a full graphical user interface, or Server Core, which presents only a command prompt window.
Installing a Windows Server Core Computer
As explained in Chapter 1, Windows Server Core includes a minimal version of the server software without the GUI; you perform all configuration tasks from the command prompt. Follow this procedure to install Windows Server Core and perform initial configuration tasks:
1. create name of server
2. select version ( windows 2008 (64bit))
3. click next
4. click next
5. clreate a vitual hard disk now
6. click next
7. click next
8. click create
9. select vitual name and than click start

10. click select from location browse to find window server file ISO
11. click start
12. select keyboard or input method ( united states- international

13. click next
14. click install
15. select window server 2012 R2 Standard Evaluation (server with a GUI)
16. click next
17. I accept the license term and than click next
18. click instal window only
19. click next
20. wait when it finish
21. it will restart
22. enter the password ( have strong password)
23. click
24. right click here(select insert Ctrl+Alt+Delete to signin)

This video show you to install window server:

Link :

How to install window server 2012 R2? How to install window server 2012 R2? Reviewed by soksopheak on 11:55 PM Rating: 5

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